Soaring over the Seawall in September

The sky that day was a photographer’s dream, nice variety of clouds, a slowly setting sun, as Nikhil mentioned once “even a monkey could have gotten good photos that day”.  I’m not entirely sure about the monkey, but I know we came away with some good ones.

For me, I liked this one because of the clouds, and then there’s the lone man walking along the wall, and the lone bird soaring in the sky.


Soaring. 1/200s, f/10, ISO 200, 10mm

26 thoughts on “Soaring over the Seawall in September

  1. I love the dramatic sky, such interesting movement. It could be a backdrop to a fiction novel. I could write a story using this image. Awesome perspective with the person and the bird of flight.

      1. Michael, I just finished a short story about a boy protagonist and plan to expand it into a longer fantasy novel for kids. I’m waiting for my instructor’s feedback. In any case, when I saw this photo, I thought wow, this looks like it could fit into the fantasy forest story of the boy’s dream where he is walking into the night along the river. I could add a few trees for the story’s forest. It’s the sky that struck me. These stories are for a class, but my goal is to publish the finished story. It may take me a couple months, but I can send it to you for your feedback.

  2. Cecil Beharry

    Hello Michael
    This photo looks like it came right out of a Star War movie. Scary. Like the battle of the planets is about to start or just atarted. Sorry for lonely pedestrian. Great photo though. I love it

    1. Thanks Bob, just being self-deprecating as usual. Nikhil and I are actually referring to a superb shot he got that day, and it took me four months or more to get up the nerve to process any of the images from that day 🙂 Thank you for your kind words and encouragement, they mean a lot!

  3. This really is wonderful, Michael. I am happy to see it a little larger on your website. I love the wall of rain on the right, just hitting the water, and the wonderful texture of the foreground. The lone walker and bird are the icing on the cake.

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