2015 Deck – Week 52

I was going to use one of Instagram posts from last night, but as that is already fresh in the memory of the handful of people who follow my posts (here as well as  on Instagram and Facebook) I decided to use one more photo of my youngest daughter, Malina.

Malina  |  Canon EOS 6D, Canon 24-105mm L

Click on the image to see it in the Gallery along with the entire collection of images for this year’s Deck Project.

2015 Deck – Week 50

Not everyone believes in a supreme being, a creator of all that was, that is and that is to come; even fewer believe in the power of prayer to such an entity.

There are many religious beliefs and belief systems, but most followers in those believe in the power of prayer and in the idea that as humans we should choose to be good rather than evil.

I would never seek to force my belief upon another, express it, yes, try to explain it, maybe.

I dedicate this photo to those of my family and friends who have suffered this year, I hesitate to call names, but three stand out right away for me; from my alma mater, Saints Stanislaus College, I think that prayer and fellowship worked wonders, if not physically, then certainly mentally for people like Racquel and Dara, and hopefully for our friend Mercer.  To all of you, stay strong, and even if you don’t believe in prayer, believe in the friends and family who are there for you every step of the way.

In tacitus volverem apparuit  –  15-8945  |  2015

Click on the image to see it in the Gallery

2015 Deck – Week 48

The photo did not come out as I had hoped, despite several efforts with the phone, and even though my DSLR was sitting right there, I had my mind so set on an Instagram photo for this one that I never even took a photo of it with the DSLR.

This was probably a case of a smartphone without a smart user, I just could not get the focus right, no matter how hard I tried, and I tried, many times….   but I still like the concept of the shot.

Blue  |  Instagram  |  Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini Duos

I was sitting at the table, and barely noticed this little battery sitting on the glass table-top, I tried very hard with the phone to get the battery in focus while keeping the wall and its reflection on the table-top as a background…  but nothing I did would keep the battery in focus long enough for me to click  🙂

2015 Deck – Week 47

Between trying not to get run over on the busy East Bank Public Road, heeding the warnings from the workmen that I was in their way, and trying to get to my vehicle across the now doubly busy road, I was also trying to get a good photo.  This was one of those occasions when you can see the finished photo in your mind’s eye, and as you click the button you’re just praying that it comes up to scratch.

It’s not as sharp as I’d like, but since I was on the move, I’m happy with what I did get 😀

Men at Work 15-0401  |  East Bank Public Road, Providence.

Click on the image to see it in the Gallery.

2015 Deck – Week 46


A different scent
in the air,
sounds of birds,
fishermen toil;
Clouds adrift
upon the horizon,
a distant sun
in heaven’s vault.
The moon upon
the oceans pull,
the fish upon
the tide at play;
Meandering shore,
of rocks and
shore of sand,
mud and life,
Oniabo I hear,
the sea, it calls,
Oniabo I fear,
the sea, it calls!

Oniabo is the name I have given to a currently ongoing Black and White Seascape collection of photographs.  Oniabo is an Arawak word meaning “water”; the selection that I used for a presentation at Moray House Trust can be seen here.

A video of that presentation can be seen alongside other presentations of The Photography Sessions at Moray House Trust at www.ThePhotographySessions.com

Oniabo 15-0380  |  Canon EOS 60D, Sigma 10-20mm

Click on the image to see it in the Gallery along with other images from this year’s Deck Project

2015 Deck – Week 44

When I took this, the man who looked after the fields was rapidly approaching us… with tools in hand, so I didn’t even try multiple exposures; I knew that by shooting into the sun I’d blow the highlights, but it’s something I could live with, just to get this scene.

That tractor is probably twice my age, and it takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin’.

Takes a lickin’ |  Mahaica, 2015  |  Canon EOS 60D, SIgma 10-20mm

Click on the image to see it in the Gallery.

2015 Deck – Week 43

This was one of those photos when you’re very glad you noticed the subject/scene and that you had a phone handy that had a decent camera built-in.

I suppose the “not-so-fast” fast food service helped by giving me the opportunity to sit and wait, and in waiting notice the shot 🙂

Menu  |  Instagram  |  Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini Duos

There I was, sitting at a table in the fast-food delivery section of the New Thriving Chinese Restaurant on Main Street, when I noticed the reflection of the backlit Menu on the glass table top, pretty much could not resist taking the photo.

Click on the image to see it in the Gallery